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Benefits MEAG Power Delivers to Our Participants

Ownership of more than 2,000 MW of Generation Capacity

  • Through an energy portfolio that was 69% emissions-free in 2020 and projected to be nearly
    90% emissions-free by 2045.

Investment-Grade Credit Ratings
and Access to Low-Cost Capital

  • With total assets of more than $11 billion, managed by utility industry financial experts who ensure that our projects are financed under the most favorable terms and rates available.

Access to the Statewide Transmission Grid

  • Through MEAG Power’s ownership in Georgia’s Integrated Transmission System (ITS), a unique 18,000-mile network that allows the efficient flow of power by eliminating the need for multiple redundant transmission facilities, contracts or access fees.

United Advocacy at the State and Federal Level

  • MEAG Power works with national trade associations, monitors bills and meets with legislators at all levels of government, which allows our Participants to speak with a unified voice.

Sophisticated Energy Market & Trading Resources

  • Through The Energy Authority (TEA), we have access to leading-edge analytics, resources and technology, as well as TEA’s team of experts who monitor and trade the aggregated resources of multiple public power entities across the nation.

Engineering & Construction
Solutions for Participants

  • MEAG Power manages the engineering design and construction of transmission facilities, including both substations and transmission lines, to serve the specific needs of our 49 Participant communities, as well as the system needs for the ITS.